Zoom Rust Bouquet
Zoom Rust Bouquet

Rust Bouquet


The ultimate native flower bouquet. Rust is our most popular bouquet with gorgeous green, brown and golden yellow throughout. Perhaps you already have a vase at home with this beautiful bouquet!


Our Rust Bouquet makes for a gorgeous gift as she is already gift wrapped and can come with a complimentary gift card. Simply place her in your own vase.

This dried native flower bouquet includes dried banksia, palm spears, magnolia, misty, billy buttons, ming fern, pampas grass, snake palm, wheat and eucalyptus.

Measurements: This MEDIUM Bouquet is approx. 45cm H from the longest stem. 

Our flowers have been preserved or dried to last for years, not days.

We offer FREE shipping on orders $135 and over, as well as a two year warranty.

Our dried bouquets do not come with vases. If you are after dried flowers in a vase, our dried flower arrangements are for you!

We are based in Melbourne and ship our flowers Australia Wide. We have FREE SHIPPING $99 and over.

Our flowers are dried, preserved or in some cases, silk flowers. There may be slight variations to your flowers from the images provided.

Flowers come in various shapes & sizes and are subject to seasonality. If a specific flower is out of stock, we reserve the right to use the next best one to replace it with.  

Dried Flowers are very low maintenance. Ensure you handle them with care once unpacking as they are quite delicate.

Shedding may occur with dried flowers which is expected and unavoidable.

- Keep dried flowers out of direct sunlight, wind and humidity.

- Do not water them.

With love & care, these beauties can last for 5+ years.

Low maintenance, long lasting & sustainable. Our dried flowers have an ongoing impact. Do you love flowers but dislike having to throw them away and replace them every week?


We are based in Melbourne and ship our flowers Australia Wide. We have FREE SHIPPING $99 and over.


Our flowers are dried, preserved or in some cases, silk flowers. There may be slight variations to your flowers from the images provided.

Flowers come in various shapes & sizes and are subject to seasonality. If a specific flower is out of stock, we reserve the right to use the next best one to replace it with.  

Care Guide

Dried Flowers are very low maintenance. Ensure you handle them with care once unpacking as they are quite delicate.

Shedding may occur with dried flowers which is expected and unavoidable.

- Keep dried flowers out of direct sunlight, wind and humidity.

- Do not water them.

With love & care, these beauties can last for 5+ years.

Our Flowers

Low maintenance, long lasting & sustainable. Our dried flowers have an ongoing impact. Do you love flowers but dislike having to throw them away and replace them every week?

Rust Bouquet
