A Complete Guide to Australian Native Flowers

There’s just something about native flowers.

Australia is home to some bold, bright and beautiful flora and fauna. With unique species that can be grown in our very own backyard - how lucky are we!

If you are looking to add a little touch of Australia to your garden or flower bouquet, there are many beautiful Australian native flowers you can choose from.

Australia is home to some of the most unique plants, flowers, trees and shrubs in the world.

Not only do they look good, but native gardens provide a safe home to our beloved animal species.

There are 24,000 species of native plants in Australia that help our bees, as well as koalas, birds, frogs and lizards - just to name a few.

Australia has a plethora of native flowers. Having and growing native flowers are better for our environment as well as the fact that they are less maintenance than those non-natives!

A List of 16 Australian Native Flowers:

1. Gum tree (Eucalyptus)

Eucalyptus has over 700 species and is part of the myrtle family, Myrtaceae. Almost all eucalyptus species are native to Australia.

Eucalyptus is known for its rapid growth with many of its species soaring to great heights.

The giant gum tree or mountain ash is one of the largest of its species, sitting at around 90 metres tall, with a circumference of 7.5 metres and is native to Victoria & Tasmania.

In Australia, eucalypts are commonly known as gum trees. Whilst eucalyptus may not strictly be a flower, this foliage is easy to dry and looks amazing in a dried flower arrangement (if we do say so ourselves).

2. Banksia

Out of the 173 Banksia species, all but one of them occur naturally only here in Australia - how special is that!.

Banksia’s are part of the Proteaceae family. Our favourites that you will find in our most popular arrangements are the banksia hookeriana.

We love these banksias as they look the exact same whether they are fresh or dried!.

3. Bottlebrush (Callistemon)

The bottlebrush is known for its vibrant, bold flowering heads that closely resemble a bottle cleaning brush.

Bottlebrushes are very low maintenance and come to bloom in the early Spring.

These red Australian natives bloom ‘spikes’ over the Summer season and the variation in types are sure to suit every garden.

4. Wattle (Acacia)

The Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) is officially the national flower of Australia.

Whilst they may not be great for those hayfever sufferers, wattles are quite common here in Australia. You will usually find them throughout parks, blooming in the Spring.

Wattles are quite easy to grow and will happily be planted in any sunny or semi-shaded spot. They can withstand hot or cold climates and they aren’t overly fussy about soil.

5. Waratah (Telopea)

The waratah is a well recognised, beautiful native flower known for its bold, red flowering head.

Waratahs are native to Southeastern parts of Australia (New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania).

The most popular type is the Telopea speciosissima, which has bright red flower heads and is the New South Wales emblem.

The Waratah is a part of the Proteaceae family - as is the famous native banksia.

6. Spider Flower (Grevilleas)

A native flower you will find growing all over Australia.

Grevilleas are known for coming in a variety of sizes from ground covers to tall screening plants.

Spider flowers are fuss free and provide year round flowers that insects and birds can’t resist.

They are quite easy to grow in your garden, ensuring they are exposed to full sun and well-drained soil.

7. Kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos)

The rather unique, kangaroo paw is a very popular native. They are known for their low maintenance and stunning flowers when in bloom.

Anigozanthos often come in an array of colours such as red, orange, yellow, pink, green and off white.

The kangaroo paw is Western Australia’s state flower!

8. Native bluebell (Wahlenbergia stricta)

The native bluebell is an Australian wildflower from the Campanulaceae family.

It is often found growing by the side of the road and can be found in all Australian states except the Northern Territory.

Wahlenbergia Stricta flowers mainly in the Spring or Summer months and is recognised by its pale blue, bell-like flowers.

9. Aussie box (Westringia Fruticosa)

The Aussie Box or Westringia Fruticosa is a popular shrub that is good for creating a low hedge.

The Aussie Box is known for its clusters of lilac flowers that bloom throughout the Spring and Summer.

This Australian wildflower is rather hardy and can withstand extreme conditions such as drought and is popular in gardens amongst seaside and coastal homes.

10. Canberra bells (Correa)

Canberra Bells or Correa produce red and cream bell shaped flowers all throughout Autumn.

A hardy native that can withstand drought and frosty climates, canberra bells are known as one of the most reliable native shrubs.

Growing well in full sun or shade, correa can be planted in almost any soil.

11. Chorizema Cordatum (Heart-leaf Flame Pea)

Chorizema cordatum otherwise known as heart-leaf flame pea has orange, red and pink flowers that bloom in Winter and early Spring.

A shrub that is native to Western Australia growing up to one metre high and one and a half metres wide.

It is a rather versatile plant and can be grown into a climber or sprawled across garden beds.

12. Desert flame (Chrysocephalum Apiculatum)

Desert Flame is an Australian native that brings a burst of colour to gardens with silver grey foliage and golden yellow flowers.

Chrysocephalum Apiculatum is a hardy plant that can grow up to 30cm tall and provides gorgeous ground cover for garden beds or pot plants.

13. Lilly pilly (Syzygium Smithii)

Lilly Pilly, also known as Syzygium Smithii or Australian cherry, is a gorgeous tree with glossy leaves and fragrant white flowers.

When in bloom during Summer it produces edible purple or red fruit.

The Lilly Pilly makes for a great hedge as it can be easily trimmed and styled to your preference.

14. Pink common heath (Epacris Impressa)

The pink common heath (Epacris impressa) flowers almost all year-round, but is most liberal during the winter.

The flowering heads can vary from a deep crimson, to pink or white.

Growing up to one metre tall and just as wide, pink common heath are most commonly used as shrubs in the garden.

15. Pink rock lily (Dendrobium Kingianum)

The native Pink Rock Lily or Dendrobium Kingianum is part of the orchid family, Orchidaceae and thrives in the Eastern part of Australia.

Pink Rocky Lily are easy to grow and when in bloom, produce delicate flowers that range from pink and purple to white.

Usually thriving on rocks or attached to tree branches.

16. Silver Spurflower (Plectranthus Argentatus)

The Australian native silver spurflower is a low growing, herbaceous plant with leaves that are covered in soft silver hairs which glisten in the garden.

When in bloom during the Summer, pale blue flowers appear.

Another tough, drought tolerant flower that can be found on rocky land.

17. Sturt’s Desert Pea (Swainsona Formosa)

A native flower famous for its unique bold red, leaf-like flowers with a pea-like black centre.

Swainsona Formosa is one of Australia’s most well known wildflowers. It is native to the arid regions of Central and North Western Australia where there is a severe lack of water.

Sturt's desert pea is the floral emblem for South Australia.

18. Wax flower (Crowea Exalata)

The wax flower is famous for its star shaped flowers that bloom in either white or pink.

Crowea exalata can grow as little as a 20cm groundcover or 1.5m high compact shrub.

Wax flowers are commonly found growing in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

Crowea exalata flower from Mid Summer to Late Winter. If you are planning to grow wax flowers, ensure they are planted in partial sun and well-drained soil.

What are the most popular native flowers in Australia?

Amongst the most popular native flowers in Australia are the banksia, waratah, wattle, bottlebrush and eucalyptus.

These flowers are often found across Australian landscapes and look beautiful in a large bunch of native flowers.

We often use dried banksias and eucalyptus in our dried flower arrangements - adding a little touch of our own ‘backyard’ is very special to us.

What flower is Australia known for? What is Australia's famous flower?

The Golden Wattle was officially declared Australia’s national flower in 1988. It is native to South Eastern Australia and is known for its masses of gorgeous, bright yellow flowers.

The Golden Wattle (Acacia Pycnantha) can reach heights of 8 metres tall and blooms during the Spring.